Brain in Italy: I cervelli che non fuggono 2014
In this moment of research crisis in Italy, BrainForum proposes a relaunch of Italian excellence in the field of neuroscience.A counter-trend and courageous challenge, given
In this moment of research crisis in Italy, BrainForum proposes a relaunch of Italian excellence in the field of neuroscience.A counter-trend and courageous challenge, given
We do not see with our eyes but project images created by our brain. For blind people with retineal lesions we can create sensory substitutions
Functional, cognitive, and immunological health status contribute to survival but the three aspects are not related to each other.
There is nothing biologically impossible about preventing aging: the causes are mostly external. We can therefore help our body to deal with them.
Studying the human body in extreme conditions allows us to mimic responses we may find in diseases. Brain activity slows down in microgravity conditions.
Migraine is a genetic disorder and is a disease of the brain that processes sensory stimuli in a particular way.
How does the brain learn? Imprinting is not entirely free: we select stimuli that define living things
L’Associazione BrainCircle Italia ETS dal 2010 svolge attività di divulgazione della ricerca neuroscientifica.
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