Milan Longevity Summit 2024

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Science and Myths of the Longevity Rush

March 14-27, 2024

Is it possible and ethical, to engage in a chase for eternal youth and extend life expectancy? The world’s cutting-edge scientific research says it is. This is a true revolution in the way we approach aging, and Milan is to spearhead it by hosting this unique two-week-long international scientific Summit. The event, which will take place in different venues across the city, will be open to the general public, scholars, policy makers, doctors and health workers, industry representatives and students. It will involve the participation of the city’s most important Institutions that will join in a dialogue on today’s “hottest” themes in research and investments: Healthy Aging and Longevity.

Sixty among the most famous and established scientists, real stars in this field, will talk about the cutting-edge research to slow down the aging process.

Go to the dedicated website to consult the program details

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