Il colore del pensiero 2011

The BrainForum 2011 The Color of Thought was divided into two sessions.

The first (4 April at the Piccolo Teatro Grassi in Milan) dedicated to emotions, memory, creativity, language and the relationship between brain and computer. Some of the most important and innovative neuroscientists in the world have spoken about it. The session ended with the extraordinary lecture-performance dedicated to music and the brain, with the composer Ludovico Einaudi on the piano and professor Robert Zatorre of Montreal, one of the most important scholars in the world in this field.

The second session (5 April at the IRCCS San Raffaele in Milan), entitled “The gray thought”, brought together the world’s leading Alzheimer’s scholars, who debated the origins of the disease, the new hopes for a cure and the needs and models of assistance.

On the occasion of the BrainForum 2011, the open air exhibition The color of thought was organised, divided into 40 posters measuring 2 meters by 1 and a half metres, also illuminated at night, which combine photographs of the brain with works of modern and contemporary art. Organized in Corso Vittorio Emanuele in Milan, the exhibition was seen by over 1 million people and was then taken to Deauville, Lisbon and Paris in the Place du Petit Palais, next to the Louvre, where due to its great success it was extended by 15 days in addition to the two weeks initially planned.

Under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic and the Municipality of Milan.